Tuesday, 19 June 2007

God is the Greatest Architect.

Genesis 1:1
"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth."

Day 1: Light created, night and day divided

Day 2: Heaven created dividing waters above and below

Day 3: Earth and plants are created

Day 4: Lights created to mark seasons and stars too

Day 5: Birds and sea creatures are created

Day 6: Wild beasts, livestock and reptiles are created, Man and Woman are then created.

Day 7: God finishes and rests, blessing and sanctifying the 7th day

Genesis 1:31
"God saw all that he had made, and it was very good..."

Creation. How our universe and world came to be just by the utterance of God's voice. It's amazing when u think about it, the world continues to seek a Unified Theory that unites all theories and explains the very meaning why we exist yet we Christians have the answer right here, in the Word of God.

Psalms 139:13-14 mentions how we were created in such an amazing way! Imagine God thought of you before Day 1! He planned so far ahead of time to match the suitable parents with the genetics, character, background etc that will make you who YOU are! By His grace He guided you in life to mould you who you are today!

The amazing thing is how God is such a GREAT designer! Even from a human's perspective us humans can be really complex. Leonardo da Vinci drew hundreds of sketches of the human anatomy that he *bleh* dissected and showed that the human anatomy is a miracle considering how it functions and sustains life. That is only physical. Human emotions can be as equally complex and hard to understand. But the most eluded by mankind is spiritually. Scientists struggle to explain the unexplained and come up with various theories but man still searches for spiritual satisfaction because God created us to have a relationship with Him.

Right now, at this moment as I'm writing this, I'm reminded of God's grace for us. His love is so wonderful and He created us, to love us and to be loved back. God is just so great! No words can describe how supercalifragilisticexpialidocious good He is!

Well, God remains as the ultimate architect that no other man can compete, come on, he created a universe by just saying it, I don't think any Frank-Llyod Wright can do that, ever. He designed us in such a remarkable way that it shows God is real and He is in control! Look up at human anatomy facts and you'll be surprised by your own body. =)

"God doesn't play dice."

-Albert Einstein-

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