Is dental.
Friday, 23 May 2008
Tooth Fairy
Is dental.
Thursday, 22 May 2008
Movie-Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian

Just finished watching the movie with my family and I have to say that this is a really good movie that follows the tracks of the first installment. I love the fact that Aslan always says something profound and displays that messianic figure. The movie again proves to show that good triumphs over evil in the battle for mans' heart. It was really heart-warming to watch the movie as it reminds me so much of what God has done, and will do. As the tagline says, what we know can make a difference in both our own and other lives. Is it put to good use? Sometimes i ask myself what the future holds and i can't answer for it.
In a scene Aslan said,"You'll never know what's going to happen next, but you'll know what will eventually happen." (something like that i think)
Rather, it's like there's no need to worry about the future, we know where this whole life is leading to eventually but what matters are the NOW moments. The movie shows a lot about faith too. Doubt in God, trust in men and likewise.
Lucy tells Aslan,"Everyone didn't believe in you." Aslan replied,"So what's stopping you from believing in me?"
God erases our doubt and fear when we look to Him. Many things of the world and even people, distract, discourage and tempt us out of that confidence we can have in Him. In the movie the older siblings, over time, had begun to lose faith in Aslan and even to the extent of losing hope and doubting his existence. The younger ones (resembling childlike faith) stand firm on their belief in Aslan and that gave them hope and eventually victory.
I think C.S.Lewis is an awesome writer though I haven't read his books but from testimonies I'm sure he is gifted and talented to write such great life-aspiring stories that has the truth instilled into it. Overall I believe this movie, if interpreted, can make a difference.
Good detailing, good plot, good humour, music could've done better, good story.
The epic battle for our hearts goes on.
Movie rating: 8/10
Friday, 16 May 2008
Malaysia Boleh??

p/s bleh...why of all times...why must it RAIN ON and OFF when one wants to WATCH BADMINTON...why...astro u gotta improve your satellite reception...make it weather-resistance...nasib you pandai..letak reruns..
Tuesday, 13 May 2008
Movie-The Air I Breathe

This movie is kinda interesting as it portrays an ancient Chinese proverb of life consisting of 4 emotions happiness, pleasure, sorrow and love. Personally, i think there's more to life than just that...blame old chinese philosophers in ancient China...but anyway the movie in particular linked 4 people with the concept in mind and brought the movie into a nicely done plot, but what really showed through the movie, i think, was how fragile life can be without PURPOSE or HOPE.
All the characters lead their lives within the illusion of those 'emotions' due to their unforgettable past or events that they couldn't let go or the mindset that they refused to renew. However it turned out 'happiness' and 'pleasure' didn't get them far instead 'sorrow' and 'love' faired out well at the end. These are actually spoilers if you haven't seen this movie =_=''
It's an interesting movie anyhow, i give it a 7/10
Tuesday, 6 May 2008
Of Laundry and Assignments
now i gotta wash my hands..they smell...weird....
Taggidity Tagged Tag
A combination tag from Wilkins and Calvin
Your 5 impressions on him
-Middle kingdom expands fast though experiencing famine recently
-Friendly and brotherly
Most memorable things he/she has give/done to you :
- A lot man...erm like he said, quality time at a quality place.
If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason is because :
5 things found in my bag (when i actually bring it out)
- Pencils
- Paper
- Tissue
- Notebook
- Money
5 things found in my wallet
- Money
- MyKad
- Cards of all types..mostly architect contacts...hehe...
- Mini photos of past memories
- Receipts of all sorts
*funny same like wilkins also*
5 favourite things in my room
- My laptop
- My handphone
- My notebook
- My comic books
- My drawing stuff accumulated over two years...
5 things I always wanted to do
- Have a girlfriend =)
- Drive around KL without getting lost
- Relax (ranges from sleeping enough to spending quality time with long lost friends and people who i want too)
5 things I am currently into
- Anime - Bleach, Naruto Shippuden
- Blogging
- Downloading music and movies to the masses..
- Learning to mold a prayerful lifestyle - reading too~
- What the future beholds ('read singularity is near' in wikipedia, watch terminator n matrix)
List out the top 5 you would wish for
- Living out the destiny i can have in Christ
- Knowing the people i know who've yet to receive Christ, believing and accepting Him
- Being the top or up to par in my career
- Being capable of making wise, direct and strict decisions
First Name – Vincent
Nickname – Vince, Veet chai (named bcoz of hairy legs), Jun-Jun, Vincenzo
Name you wish you had – Vincent's the best name i could ever have...fits nicely with "Lai"
What do people normally mistake your name as – Winson? Winston?
Birthday – twenty-first day of the eleventh month of the year nineteen eighty eight
Birthplace – United Kingdom
Time of Birth – i think it was roughly between 12.00pm and 12.01pm
Single or taken – I'm single but whole in Christ!! wahahaha...but yea im single...
Zodiac sign – to this very day i still can't understand why millions of people can expect that their daily happenings are the same because of similar birthdays...go study maths and statistics...
[Your Appearence]
How tall are you – 6' 11" wahahahaha...
Wish you were taller –
Eye color – think dark brown
Eye color you want - ummm...dark brown?
Natural Hair color – Black
Current Hair color – Black
Short or long hair – Short
Ever dye your hair a bizarre color – Nope...but it has some shades of white now and then...
Last time you did something dramatic with your hair – Christmas....experimentation...XD
Glasses or contacts – LASER!!! but for now...spectacles
Do you wear make-up – i am a 100% guy...not 99%...100%
Ever had hair extensions – does my hair grow count?
Paint your nails – Fui yin bullied me...
[This or that]
Flowers or Chocolates – Chocolates...white chocolates... =)
Pepsi or Coke – WATER!
Rap or Rock – Rock
Relationship or One night stand – One n-i-i-r-r-e..Relationship
School or Work – School was nice but looking forward to work
Love or Money – Love
Movies or Music – Movies that has nice music in it
Sunny or Rainy days – All days are good but clear cloudy days are bestest...
Friends or Family – Family and friends
[Have you ever]
Lied – Yes...duh
Stole something – Yes..duh again...
Hurt someone close to you – Don't think so...
Broke someone's heart – Not sure, might have..
Had your heart broken – Not really
Wondered what was wrong with you – There is?
Wish you were a prince/princess – haha joel said knight...i'll go with KING!!
Liked someone who was taken – Always happens...
Shaved your head – Betrayed friend who was supposed to shave together...
Been in love – Definitely
Used chopsticks – I'm chinese...wadaya think...
Sang in the mirror to yourself – Sang, shaved, brushed, talked, laughed, it...
Flower – Morning glory
Candy – Skittles!!
Song – Too many...
Color – White-Black-Blue/Black-Green-Brown/White-Grey-Blue
Movie – W-a-a-a-y too many....
Singer – JoJo's nice...
Word – Trust
Junk food – MCDONALDS!
Website – wikipedia...thank God for wikipedia...
Location – New Zealand...beautiful place...
Animal – Cute cuddly baby animals...
Ever cried over someone – think so...
Is there anything you wish you could change about yourself – always room for that..
Do you think you're attractive – the thought flactuates...
If you had to choose a fairytale as your life what would you choose – Shrek...haha, combination of all together~~
Sports – Badminton!!
I tag: if you're up to it after reading this, i tag YOU! =)
Sunday, 4 May 2008

The same power and annointing i felt from Ps Jaeson Ma was the same here. One vital thing i'm so glad i'm getting back on is that prayerful lifestyle. Not the 'makan' say grace type or 'something's wrong' kena pray type, but powerful, daily, meditating, encountering, spirit-filled prayer.
To add to the joy i heard wonderful news from Alvin about Ps. Jaeson's blog. That very night i had a dream. Couldn't remember vividly about it but i could remember that it was that celebrity i was talking about him to friends and they were shocked, a friend rebuked me then i couldn't remember what i said but i walked away leaving them in shock after saying something.
Ps Kong Hee talked about revival happening when u connect with the spirit and consistenly fervently constantly PRAY. Ps Jaeson says the same thing with the prayerhouse 24-7. Revival's near but we cant just sit down. Don't have revival? Create one.
Prayer is the vital breath of the Christian; not the thing that makes him alive, but the evidence that he is alive.
-Oswald Chambers-
final paper in 6 hours from study study
Thursday, 1 May 2008
Surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered him stricken by God, smitten by him, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all. Isaiah 53:4-6
Do everything without complaining,
Do everything without arguing,
So that you may become,
Blameless and pure,
Children of God.
an old children's verse song. i love donuts.
Thank you Jesus.