the movie has nothing to do with the title...haha...its just a movie which my senior did for a architect dinner bash...JOEL CHECK IT OUT! THIS WAS THE VIDEO I I TOLD U ABOUT!!
anyway...the title is the exact words my lecturer told me during a crit session for our works...architecture is about that in general...problem solving. At the end of the day its not about us designing some weird cool design of a building, but instead we design to fix the problem ranging from the culture of the place, the felling of the space, the construction, technicality, social, economical, political, environmental, much more to think about (getting grey hair bcoz of this...sigh)
but like my lecturer said its not how creative we design, its how creative we are in solving the given problem....God is the most creative being we can ever know, he solved the greatest problem we created =)
Many may wonder why we're here. Of what significance are we, overcoming an almost infinite probability to appear somewhere in the universe, breathing life as humans, roaming this round blue ball of short, what's our purpose in life?
I've come across people when challenged with this question they refuse to think about it because they fear the outcome. But considering the staggering scientific facts of "us" being here on earth, it doesn't surprise me scientists and philosophers who spend their lifetime finding an answer to life, suggest a superior being or intelligent being that created us. (google some facts on how amazingly accurate and precise everything in the world seems to go clock-work)
What's our purpose in life? Be BORN....GROW up....STUDY in school....go to WORK....get MARRIED....have a FAMILY.....ENJOY GOOD things....RETIRE.........die.....?
Typical circle of life. But there's so much more to life than just this. We were created for a PURPOSE. We are LIVING for a PURPOSE.
Can you imagine, time non-existing, everything that is, is just is, no beginning, it just was there, not even grammar has a proper word for it (maybe got la but i dunno)...and God was there, existing as He was. He desired for relationship, knowing what the future beholds when He decided to create us. Out of love, He gave His son's life for OURS. What we're living for today is nothing more but for Him alone. We live to exist because of God and His eternal plan He has for us. I can't remember key points from Ps. Rick Warren's book but i quote from his book; with emphasis;
For everything, absolutely everything, above and below, visible and invisible..everything got started in him and finds its purpose in him. Colossians 1:16 (Msg)
Unless you assume a God, the question of life's purpose is meaningless. -Bertrand Russell, atheist
"It's not about you. The purpose of your life is far greater than your own personal fulfillment, your peace of mind, or even your happiness. It's far greater than your family, your career, or even your wildest dreams and ambitions. If you want to know why you were placed in this planet, you must begin with God. You were born by his purpose and for his purpose."
Understanding your purpose in life will enable you to understand better the big picture and handle life better. Despite the concrete truth being presented right in front of people, many refuse to accept God's amazing love and plan He has for them. Even so, some like me who already know this, fear of not being able to live out that dream or destiny that God has for us. So it's my prayer that i'll indeed live my life purposefully as David Chio mentioned,
"When you drive, you have a planned destination, a direction, a purpose."