long time ago, when i still had connection in kk, mentioned about wat was in store for this month so here's wat happenned...
chronologically arranged...
Right after holiday, managed to spend some very good quality time with Wilkins, stayed with him at petaling street and went around doing stuff, watched movies, ate around, lots of other fun stuff la...hehe...
The following Sunday had a really blessed time fellowshipping with some of my close friends at nando's in money river. It was really encouraging to hear from all of them especially Wini n Tim! Should do annually la...hehe...
we went to camp rubetia, some river in KL with jungle all around...i hav some pics that later i'll add in coz i 4got to bring ext hard disk...XD...i hav two photos though...
"in the jungle...the mighty jungle~"
at night having session
-pics to be added-
Then it was back to uni and SIX SPACE SET! i'm pretty sure you won't know wat this is but juz pretend you know. It's basically an assignment where we gotta design 6 different designs of a lodging house based on these basic 6 concepts in architecture. hmmm again i'll add pics later coz haha...4got ext HD
-pics to be added-
In the midst of this had other assignments for classes, one of them was computer class! played around with macromedia flash till wee hours of morning...adrenaline rush...
we oso did a powerpoint to do a biodata of ourselves...doing so had to look thru some old pics and found some nice photos of youth when they were young...Paul Lee, Tim Teo, Peter Quak, Douglas Lo, Rachel Chin, Cynthia Wong (s), Derrick Teo, Nathaneal Yong, Spencer Wong, a lot others..even Uncle Fung Yin Khun, Ms Sim, Ps Jessisca...a lot la...if u dunno who juz pretend you know...haha oso found baby pics too..here's one of them...kawaii!!
Yours truly
arch expo
six space set
six space set again
some uni's expo hub
learnt a lot for this month in my course...
i learnt that as architects we don't juz come up with drawings of buildings and symbolically say its for something but we as architects are to become chief builders, problem solvers, decision makers, organized, articulate, and much more that i've discovered...learning architecture is truly a great experience and im glad i chose this path, for those wanting or are interested in enrolling for this course, i gladly encourage u to go for it! though it may be tough and stressful, u'll b busy n hav countless sleepless nights, its WORTH it.